
引用内容 引用内容

引用内容 引用内容

textsizer.js 的代码如下:
引用内容 引用内容
    Document Text Sizer- Copyright 2003 - Taewook Kang.  All rights reserved.
    Coded by: Taewook Kang (txkang.REMOVETHIS@hotmail.com)
    Web Site: http://txkang.com
    Script featured on Dynamic Drive (http://www.dynamicdrive.com)
    Please retain this copyright notice in the script.
    License is granted to user to reuse this code on
    their own website if, and only if,
    this entire copyright notice is included.

//Specify affected tags. Add or remove from list:
var tgs = new Array( 'div','td','tr');

//Specify spectrum of different font sizes:
var szs = new Array( 'xx-small','x-small','small','medium','large','x-large','xx-large' );
var startSz = 2;

function ts( trgt,inc ) {
    if (!document.getElementById) return
    var d = document,cEl = null,sz = startSz,i,j,cTags;
    sz += inc;
    if ( sz < 0 ) sz = 0;
    if ( sz > 6 ) sz = 6;
    startSz = sz;
    if ( !( cEl = d.getElementById( trgt ) ) ) cEl = d.getElementsByTagName( trgt )[ 0 ];

    cEl.style.fontSize = szs[ sz ];

    for ( i = 0 ; i < tgs.length ; i++ ) {
        cTags = cEl.getElementsByTagName( tgs[ i ] );
        for ( j = 0 ; j < cTags.length ; j++ ) cTags[ j ].style.fontSize = szs[ sz ];
[本日志由 parno 于 2012-04-18 02:15 AM 更新]
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文章来自: dynamicdrive.com
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Tags: javascri&#112;t DHTML CSS
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字数限制 500 字 | UBB代码 关闭 | [img]标签 关闭